Genuine Relationship with Jesus Christ
FBA desires that graduates will have an authentic and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ (Mark 12:30). This will be manifested in a dedicated heart for God and His Word (Psalm 40:8, Colossians 3:16), a commitment to pursue an ever-maturing walk with the Lord (Philippians 3:12-16) characterized by a life that walks with the filling of the Spirit (Romans 15:13), and the maintaining of a healthy prayer life (1 Peter 4:7).
Godly, Productive Leaders
FBA will equip students to serve as examples to all believers and to the world. Specifically, FBA strives to teach students to lead in how they teach, how they live, how they love, and how they show their faith and their purity (1 Timothy 4:12). Students are thus equipped to become leaders while they are young as well as for future endeavors in their home, ministry and careers.
Discerning Mind
An FBA graduate will have the ability to discern truth from error in a society inundated with information. A graduate is self-motivated and inquisitive, recognizing that knowledge and wisdom are from God. Godly wisdom will equip them to be able to articulate and defend their faith. A graduate will courageously and graciously communicate a Biblical perspective to the cultural issues of their day (Hebrews 5:14).
Intelligent & Effective Communicator
An FBA graduate will be able to intelligently and effectively communicate his or her convictions. Students will be taught to defend what they believe and why they believe it (1 Peter 3:15). They will possess the skills to competently and confidently communicate with the proper use of logic and grammar, both in written and oral form.
Mission Engagement
An FBA graduate will be committed to a life-long endeavor of missions and evangelism. They will possess the knowledge to effectively share the gospel and a passion expressed in a life of service to others (Mark 10:45, John 12:26). Such a graduate will retain fervency for seeing people come to Christ (Romans 10:14-17) all for the glory of God (Matt. 5:16, Col. 3:23-24).